The service worker project compiles into a javascript file which can be used as a service worker for aeppic installations.
The default behavior in aeppic is to load a service-worker Layout when rendering ae-root
which triggers the loading of the service worker from a Preference document.
Caching Strategy
The service worker caches all files returned by /api/v4/statics/_list
All files listed in there with http://
or https://
are seens as external and cached with no-cors mode.
This actual implementation is here:
async function cacheStaticFiles(cacheName: string, endpointUrl: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
const lastStaticFileListCachedEtag = await get(cacheName, 'lastStaticFileListCached')
try {
const cache = await
const response = await fetch(endpointUrl)
if (!response.ok) {
fail({ status: response.status }, 'Failed to fetch static files list:', response.statusText)
return null
const eTag = response.headers.get('ETag')
// We do not want to cache the static files list if it has not changed.
if (lastStaticFileListCachedEtag === eTag) {
info({ status: response.status }, 'Static files list is up to date')
return lastStaticFileListCachedEtag
info('Caching files (etag:%s)', eTag)
const staticFiles: StaticFile[] = await response.json() as StaticFile[]
let errorsDuringCaching = 0
staticFiles.push({ url: DEFAULT_SPA_URL, path: '*', hash: '', size: 0 })
// We limit the number of concurrent requests to avoid
// overloading the server with requests or the browser to
// make too many calls at once.
const semaphore = new Semaphore(MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS)
await Promise.all( file => {
await semaphore.acquire()
try {
const keyForFileHash = `static:${file.url}`
const hash = await get(cacheName, keyForFileHash)
// Skip files that might already be cached because they have the same hashs
if (hash === file.hash) {
const alreadyPresent = await cache.match(file.url)
if (alreadyPresent) {
const isExternalResource = file.url.startsWith('http://') || file.url.startsWith('https://')
const fileResponse = await fetch(file.url, { mode: isExternalResource ? 'no-cors' : 'cors' })
if (fileResponse.ok) {
await cache.put(file.url, fileResponse)
await set(cacheName, keyForFileHash, file.hash)
} else if (fileResponse.status === 0) {
if (isExternalResource) {
await cache.put(file.url, fileResponse)
// We cannot store the hash of the file because the response
// is opaque so it might be invalid and it definitely should
// be recached on the next request
} else {
warn('Could not cache file at %s [%d: %s]', file.url, fileResponse.status, fileResponse.statusText)
} catch (error) {
fail(`Could not cache file '${file.url}':`, error)
} finally {
// The cache is complete, so we can update the ETag and remember
// to not cache the static files list again until it has changed.
if (errorsDuringCaching === 0) {
await set(cacheName, 'lastStaticFileListCached', response.headers.get('ETag') || '')
// Read total size of all files by reading from X-Total-Static-Content-Size header
const totalSizeOfAllFiles = Number.parseInt(response.headers.get('X-Total-Static-Content-Size') || '0', 10)
const note = errorsDuringCaching > 0 ? ` But ${errorsDuringCaching} errors occured.` : ''
info(`Cached ${staticFiles.length} (#${totalSizeOfAllFiles} bytes) static files.` + note)
} catch (error) {
warn('Error fetching static files list. Could be offline.', error)
return null
return lastStaticFileListCachedEtag
All files returned during normal fetches by the clients are also added to the static cache if any of the following conditions are true:
- They are marked as immutable in the Cache-Control reponse header
- They are cacheable with max-age for at least a day
This actual implementation is here (also checks if response is status ok etc):
function canCache(response: Response) {
if (!response.ok) {
return false
// We can cache all requests that are marked as immutable in the Cache-Control header.
// The normal web-cache can be cleared by the users to easily and we know these
// files to not change.
// This specifically is done by the /api/packages api for example when a versioned content
// call is performed
const cacheControlHeader = response.headers.get('Cache-Control')
const cacheControl = cacheControlHeader ? cacheControlHeader.split(',') : []
if (cacheControl.includes('immutable')) {
return true
// We also cache all requests that are marked as with a max-age of at least 1 day.
const maxAge = cacheControl.find(value => value.startsWith('max-age='))
if (maxAge) {
const maxAgeInSeconds = Number.parseInt(maxAge.slice(8), 10)
const maxAgeInDays = maxAgeInSeconds / 60 / 60 / 24
if (maxAgeInDays >= 1) {
return true
return false