aeppic includes a few tools to get started.
The install-server tool can be used to install aeppic-server from a repository server like or update the base dataset.
This is mostly used for standalone installations via ansible or manually. Alternatively docker images are located at
# Usage
npx @aeppic/install-server
npx @aeppic/install-server [version]
Installs an instance of @aeppic/server with [version]
version The version of @aeppic/server to install (e.g `latest`, `beta`,
`3.6.0`, `^3.6.1`) [default: "stable"]
-j, --json Log using json parsable output [boolean]
-v, --verbose Output all events [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
-s, --server The url of the image server (can be an absolute
path to a local folder too) to download server
image from [default: ""]
-n, --node-bin Explicitly define the path to the node binary
to use. By default it uses the currently active
node binary
--data-only Only install data, do not install the server
--data-version The version of the data to install. If not
specified no data will be installed (e.g
`latest`, `2022-11-22T13-48-32.534Z`)
--data-no-upgrade Do not upgrade data if a system file is already
installed [boolean]
--install-dir Default install directory
[default: "/opt/aeppic/server"]
--data-dir Data location to be used by the server
[default: "/opt/aeppic/data"]
--port HTTP Port to be used [number] [default: 80]
--config Path to configuration to use. If parameters
such as port are defined it will be modified to
fit the arguments
--listen IP Addresses the server should listen to[array]
--service Install as service (supported on Unix with
systemd/systemctl only). It is NOT auto-enabled
or started [boolean]
--instanceId Instance Id to be used for installation
[default: "aeppic-server"]
--token, --download-token Download token for accessing the download
server. Without a download token no downloads
are possible. Uses env variable
--overwrite Overwrite existing local installation.[boolean]
The install-repository-server tool can be used to install a repository server to be used by @aeppic/install-server.
# Intro
`@aeppic/install-repository-server` installs the a repository server to host binary files compatible with `@aeppic/install-server`
It automatically registers (installs) the service as a **SystemD** service under `/etc/systemd/system` but does not enable or start it yet.
It is as simple as possible, directly contained in this module, and just copies itself to the install location. An install requires the service to not already run, existing data never gets touched.
Installing a custom repository server is only required when running accessing the curasystems registry is not possible.
Uploaded files should follow the naming convention `<PACKAGE_NAME>@<VERSION>.tgz`.
# Security
Upload and Download is only possible if the correct token is available. These are stored in JSON files see below.
## Launch example server
- PORT=8881
- DATA_PATH=test
- UPLOAD_TOKENS=upload.json
- DOWNLOAD_TOKENS=download.json
`node server.js`
## Upload a new file
`<filepath>` equals a path to a packaged file `<PACKAGE_NAME>@<VERSION>.tgz`. E.g. `my-package@1.0.2.tgz`.
> Note: The path can include directories, but only the filename is used in the uploaded name.
`curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN_FROM_UPLOAD_TOKENS_JSON>" --form file=@<filepath> http://localhost:8881`
## Download
`curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN_FROM_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN_JSON>" http://localhost:8881/<filename>`
## Tag a file
`<tagname>` is the name of the tag to use. It is a string with at least 3 characters and starting with a letter
`curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN_FROM_UPLOAD_TOKENS_JSON>" http://localhost:8881/<filename>/tags/<tagname>`
## List all known files
`curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN_FROM_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN_JSON>" http://localhost:8881/`
Which returns a json with all known files and dirs in the data folder. This list includes the uploaded files
as well as uploaded tags. The tags are named `<PACKAGE_NAME>@<TAG>` and contain the name of the file it points to.