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Server-Side Caching

The server web app is holding a cache of recent queries in an Arc cache.

Every time a document is created/modified/deleted it is checked against the server side cache and updates them as necessary. Queries that are affected by a document change are evicted from the cache by default.

The detection logic can be found here:

function isQueryInfluencedByDocument(newState, previousState, queryDefinition) {
  const newStateDocumentIsIncludedInQuery = isDocumentInQuerySet(newState, queryDefinition)

  if (newStateDocumentIsIncludedInQuery) {
    return true

  if (previousState) {
    const oldStateDocumentIsIncludedInQuery = isDocumentInQuerySet(previousState, queryDefinition)

    if (oldStateDocumentIsIncludedInQuery) {
      return true

  const isAnyDocumentInfluencedThroughAnAncestor = isDocumentAnAncestorInQuerySet(newState, queryDefinition)

  if (isAnyDocumentInfluencedThroughAnAncestor) {
    return true

  return false

Note: It also checks the previous state of the document. So basically each cached query is checked against the previous state and the new state.