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Available Interfaces

When a webpage is opened in the client it exposes some functions onto window.


The features thus exposed are typically handled by Aeppic, but in case of editing conflicts some functions might need to be called directly.

E.g file editing is exposed via Aeppic.editFile. See Aeppic File Handling

The entire interface is made available on the property `host``:

AeppicClientHostInterface (aeppic.ts)
interface AeppicClientHostInterface {
  type: string,
  version: string,
  matches: (semver: string) => boolean,
  features: {
    [featureGroupName: string]: {
      [featureName: string]: boolean
  files: {
      url: string,
      fileName: string,
      documentInformation: {
        id: string,
        v: string,
        fieldName: string,
        mimeType: string,
      }): void,
      url: string,
      fileName: string,
      documentInformation: {
        id: string,
        v: string,
        fieldName: string,
        mimeType: string,
        uploadFormFields?: {
          [fieldName: string]: string
        uploadFileFieldName?: string,
        uploadUrl?: string,
      }): void,
    subscribeToEditEvents(callback: (editInfo: ClientEditInfo) => void): () => void,
typescript = {
  type: 'aeppic-client',
  version: '1.3.7', // A semver compatible version
  /// A simple match function to test
  /// the expected semver e.g. '1.2.3' or '^1.2.3', or '^1.2' 
  /// against the actual version.
  match(expectedSemVer: string) -> bool { ... },
  // More see below


Flags on which features are supported can be checked. These are grouped by exposed group.

typescript = {
  files: {
    open: boolean
    edit: boolean


typescript = {
  /// Open a file in the local OS application associated with 
  /// the filetype.
  /// url: Where to download from 
  ///      When already downloaded before and ETag was returned it is used to NOT 
  ///      download again. (Stored in etag.txt next to the downloaded file)
  /// fileName: The name the file should get in the local filesystem
  /// {
  ///          id: Id of the aeppic document the file is associated with
  ///           v: The version of the aeppic document (only for logging etc) 
  ///   fieldName: The name of the field the file is store in
  ///    mimeType: The mime type of the file. If filename is not defined
  ///              this is used for a default extension if possible. 
  /// }
  /// Note: The file is marked `readonly` when possible
  async openFile(url, fileName, { id, v, fieldName, mimeType } = {}) {
      // Get an access token for the current user to hand to the 
      const accessToken = await[''])
      // Call the host
  /// Open a file in the local OS application associated with 
  /// the filetype.
  /// url: Where to download from 
  ///      When already downloaded before and ETag was returned it is used to NOT 
  ///      download again. (Stored in etag.txt next to the downloaded file)
  /// fileName: The name the file should get in the local filesystem
  /// {
  ///          id: Id of the aeppic document the file is associated with
  ///           v: The version of the aeppic document (only for logging etc) 
  ///   fieldName: The name of the field the file is store in
  ///    mimeType: The mime type of the file. If filename is not defined
  ///              this is used for a default extension if possible. 
  ///     dataUrl: The EXACT identify url identifying the content. Important
  ///              for collision control. When NOT defined any collisions
  ///              are ignored.
  ///   Optional: Fields to add to the form encoded upload body. A new and unique dataUrl
  ///             is auto included.
  ///   uploadFormFields: { <FIELD>:<CONTENT-STRING> } 
  ///   uploadFileFieldName: The name the binary file content is expected in for the upload
  ///   uploadUrl: The url to upload the file to   
  /// }
  /// Note: The file is marked as NOT `readonly` when possible
  async editFile(url, fileName, { id, v, fieldName, dataUrl, mimeType, uploadFormFields = {}, uploadFileFieldName = 'file', uploadUrl = '/api/_upload' } = {}) {
      // Get an access token for the current user to hand to the 
      const accessToken = await['', 'content.write'])
      // Call the host
  /// Events to inform what happens in the host. E.g change events, edit events etc.
  subscribeToEditEvents(cb) {
      // Start listening for events
      ... calling back whenever an edit events happens /..
  // Delete the locally downloaded document matching the document id with the binary 
  // stored in the specified field. The 'v' field is only used for logging purposes.
  async delete({ id, v, fieldName }) {
  // Delete all files downloaded longer than `maxAgeInSeconds` ago.
  // NOTE: `Downloaded` NOT `modified`
  async deleteOld(maxAgeInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) {
  // Delete ALL locally downloaded content
  async deleteAll() {
  async listWatched() {



openFile and editFile can throw an exception object.

The error objects thrown are all structured in a similar fashion.

They have ONE key which is named after the error type and then the data fields associated with it.


  DataUrlOutOfSync: {
    data_url_specified: "aeppic-local://client/98b70521-8617-4fcf-ab4b-97509f579013",
    last_known_data_url: "aeppic-local://client/98b70521-8617-4fcf-ab4b-97509f579013dasdasd"


When a document was locally edited this will happen. The client will have generated a new data url and thus detect a potential loss of data.

  DataUrlOutOfSync: {
    data_url_specified: "aeppic-local://client/98b70521-8617-4fcf-ab4b-97509f579013",
    last_known_data_url: "aeppic-local://client/98b70521-8617-4fcf-ab4b-97509f579013dasdasd"


Still downloading. Wait until finished

  FileAlreadyDownloading: {
    path: "/local/file/path.txt",


Error trying to watch changes to the file

  WatchFile: {
    path: "/local/file/path.txt",


Could not connect to the server

  CannotSendDownloadRequest: {
    info: { 
      url: string,
      dataUrl: string,
      accessToken?: string,
      explicitFileName: string,
      mimeType: string,
      document?: { 
        id: string,
        v: string,
        text?: string,
      fieldName?: string,
      makeEditable?: boolean
  source: {
    message: string


Could not download the file successfully

  CannotSendDownloadRequest: {
    info: { 
      url: string,
      dataUrl: string,
      accessToken?: string,
      explicitFileName: string,
      mimeType: string,
      document?: { 
        id: string,
        v: string,
        text?: string,
      fieldName?: string,
      makeEditable?: boolean
  status_code: number


Could not store the file locally successfully

  CannotSendDownloadRequest: {
    info: { 
      url: string,
      dataUrl: string,
      accessToken?: string,
      explicitFileName: string,
      mimeType: string,
      document?: { 
        id: string,
        v: string,
        text?: string,
      fieldName?: string,
      makeEditable?: boolean
   source: {
    message: string


Could not read from the response stream

  CannotReadFromDownload: {
    info: { 
      url: string,
      dataUrl: string,
      accessToken?: string,
      explicitFileName: string,
      mimeType: string,
      document?: { 
        id: string,
        v: string,
        text?: string,
      fieldName?: string,
      makeEditable?: boolean
   source: {
    message: string


Could not write into the local file

  CannotWriteLocalFile: {
    info: { 
      url: string,
      dataUrl: string,
      accessToken?: string,
      explicitFileName: string,
      mimeType: string,
      document?: { 
        id: string,
        v: string,
        text?: string,
      fieldName?: string,
      makeEditable?: boolean
   source: {
    message: string


The events raised:


When a file change is detected

  Changed: [
    string, // The path of the file changed locally
      url: string,
      dataUrl: string,
      explicitFileName: string,
      document?: { 
        id: string,
        v: string,
        text?: string,
      fieldName?: string,


All upload events have the same data associated with them.

type UploadFileInfo = {
  uploadKey: string,
  filePath: string,
  targetUrl: string,
  document: { 
    id: string,
    v: string,
    text?: string,
  fieldName: string // Name of the field the document stores this binary in

So for Started it would look like this:

  Upload: {
    Started: UploadFileInfo

All events:

Event NameDescription
StartedThe upload has begun
CancelingThe upload is currently being canceled
CanceledThe upload was canceleld
FinishedThe upload was successfully uploaded
FailedThe upload failed to upload


This is an interface for multi-monitor support for specific use-cases. At the moment it is meant for hooking up a DICOM viewer, but will be made more generi over time.

typescript = {
  isAvailable: false,
  url: '',
  numberOfMonitors: 0,

If available (if compiled like that)

typescript = {
  isAvailable: true,
  getMonitors: async function() {
  // Open all viewer windows (using the url as configured during compile time)
  openWindows: function() {
  // Close them
  closeWindows: function() {
  // Show the data on the monitor 0
  showOnPrimary: function(args) {
  // Show the data on the monitor 1
  showOnSecondary: function(args) {
  // Show the data on the monitor auxMonitorIndx
  showOnAuxiliary: function(auxMonitorIndex, args) {

Helpers (Internal)

typescript = {
  // These are for internal use inside the previous modules and can be changed at any time between any versions